Village of Mantua
Regular Council Meeting
August 17, 2010

Mayor Hawkins called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. & led the pledge of Allegiance. Donna asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of silence for the passing of Diane Hura’s brother, Dale Whaley and a longtime Village resident & friend, Camille Dusek-Brady.

Roll Call: Donna Hawkins, Linda Clark, Linda Schilling, Marty Hura, Ben Prescott, Roger Hawkins, Giles Seith.

Others Present: Clerk-Treasurer Jenny August, Asst. Clerk Susan Skrovan, Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Police Chief Harry Buchert, Village Administrator Ed Trego, Brian Rogers with C.T. Consultants.

Public: Bill & Patsi Gast, Norm Erickson, Pearl Campbell, Aaron Snopek, Larry Kaczmarek.

Minutes: Motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of July 20, 2010 made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve the special meeting minutes of July 28, 2010 made by L. Schilling with a second from M. Hura. All ayes on vote.

Mayors Report: Donna reported the Aurora Meadows project is moving forward. The County has secured Federal assistance of $1.5 million along with a loan. This project will increase the Village’s revenue by adding approximately 85 homes to our sewer service. Before Council tonight is Resolution 2010-37 that has been required by the Federal Government that the County and our Village have an agreement for sewer service to Aurora Meadows for 40 years. Once the County receives our signed agreement, they will forward it to the Federal Government and begin the bidding process. The Chamber of Commerce held its first annual Community Yard Sale, which was a great success. Donna invited everyone to join her for “Coffee with the Mayor” on Thursday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m. at Jason’s Comfort Café. Various Village topics will be discussed. She had also set up a Town hall meeting on Thursday, September 23 at Village Hall with Don Johnson to answer questions from the public about J & J Refuse Collection and the one trash hauler.

The Mayor introduced Linda Lann representing Town hall II. Linda Lann presented some information on what services they provide. The victim outreach program has advocates trained to help in any way. She would like to get more information to other areas and people. Linda Schilling said she could set up at the Potato Festival. Linda Lann said yes, she planned to contact them to do just that. Linda Schilling asked for her card and she would get a contract sent out to her.

Finance Report: Jenny reported the employer’s quarterly estimates were due by the end of July; we received some substantial tax revenue last month, about $30,000. Those will show up on the August report.

We also received our check for the second half property taxes for 2009. After our bond obligation, which the Auditor separated out of the check, we received about $2,400, which is very low. Additionally, for the Tangible Personal Property Tax, we received .09 cents. The Auditor was kind enough to include a note that the .09-cent figure was not a typo. The entire County only received $6.24; our slice of the pie was the .09 cents.

Payroll expenses look high for July but that is because we had three pay dates that fell in that month instead of two normally.

Lisa Zamecnik representing The Cemetery Board has submitted estimates for repairing or replacing the crypts damaged due to vandalism last fall. She also provided estimates to Ed Trego to look over and he agrees with the Cemetery Board in recommending Daly Monument to handle the crypts. For the drains, Jenny just got those estimates to Ed yesterday and he is still reviewing them. None of the bids exceed $300. Lisa would also like to see the railroad ties by the mausoleum removed and have the dirt graded.

Jenny was not sure if this is something our community service workers could do considering how heavy they are. Jenny is willing to get bids if necessary to get this work done. Jenny asked for Council approval for everything all at once if possible, that way she can submit all three bids to Kevin Poland together.
Our checkbook balance at the end of July:$ 309,298.00
Revenues for July:$ 90,132.00
Expenses for July including payroll:$ 115,801.00

The Cash Summary shows that no adjustments were made. Reconciliation of the Water-Sewer department receipts and the UAN receipts matched.

Reconciliation of the Municipal Income Tax receipts and the UAN receipts also matched. The July bank reconciliation had no adjusting factors.

Lastly, Jenny announced that our local yo-yo champion, Hank Freeman, received 1st Place for USA and in world competition, placed 3rd.

The Mayor said we need to find out about the railroad ties. Jenny said if we wait until spring, it could be submitted with Memorial Day work. The Mayor said yes let us wait.

Motion to approve the financial reports: bank statements, fund status, reconciliation, revenue & expenses reports, cash summary report, made by L. Schilling with a second from L. Clark. All ayes on vote.

The Mayor introduced Larry Kaczmarek, our health insurance agent. Larry gave everyone a packet from Summa for renewal. Our rates are going up 14.1 percent, which is the average for the industry. Every carrier gave this group a “Maximum Rating”; Summa did not because we have been with them for some time. He recommended we stay with Summa. He would recommend a change to our prescription drug card regarding name brand and generic. What we currently have in a prescription drug card is a $10 generic, $20 preferred or formulary and $40 non-formulary. Summa’s next level prescription card would be $12/$30/$50. You can go outside your prescription card for your generic medicine and he would recommend doing so to save on cost and aggravation. Larry’s first recommendation would save about $3200 per year. His second recommendation would be to change the office co-pay from $20 to $25, adding this to the change in prescription drugs would save $4,000 per year. The third alternative is more radical; it would change the emergency room co-pay from $100 to $150 and then it would cover 100 percent after that and change the deductible from a $1000/$2000 to $2000/$4000 and go to an HRA plan, (Health Reimbursement Arrangement). Employees would pay the first half either $1,000 or $2,000 with a family plan; the Village would then pay the second half. The actual maximum exposure right now would be $9,000. Premium savings would be over that amount even if you maxed out everyone in the plan. We have only had one person on your coverage satisfy their deductible. The Village would need a third party administrator for the excess. Larry would recommend Pam Priddy; her office is in Chagrin Falls. Her cost to administer the plan would be about $4.00 per employee or about $28.00 per month. The Village would need to set up when they would pay those claims whether the 15th, 30th or 1st of the month, whenever cash flow is best.

In addition, with this renewal, the State of Ohio has allowed a special enrollment period to add dependants through the age of 27. The criteria to add a dependant is that the dependant must rely on the primary insured as primary income winner and for support. The dependant must live within the State unless they are a student. Also, they must not be eligible for any type of employer-based group insurance. Adult children can be added. After September 23 of this year the dependant criteria changes from State to Federal requirements. The Federal rules state that the child must not be eligible for employer-based health insurance through the age of 26. That is it.

Full IRS Section 125 documents would have to be drawn up and there will be a cost for that. Pam can do that or your solicitor can do it. The cost is about $200-$250 for the document and once you have it, you are done. Mayor and Council reviewed the options.

Larry would recommend the prescription card change no matter what is decided.

Chief Harry Buchert said they did have an HRA, which worked well; they just had some issues with the third party administrator. Harry would be interested in seeing the contract.

The Mayor and Ben would prefer option #3. Ed would recommend what Larry presented; he has guided our Village many times. Mayor Hawkins said since Chief would like to review the contract, we should accept it once it has been reviewed.

Motion to accept Larry Kaczmarek’s recommendation for option #3 once our Solicitor, Michele Stuck has reviewed the option and Chief Buchert has reviewed the third party administrator’s contract made by B. Prescott with a second from L. Schilling. Larry said he would get three things; the cost of administration in writing, a copy of the actual contract with the administrator and find out what her cost is for the Section 125 documents. Linda Clark wanted to be clear on what Council was voting on. Jenny read the motion back. All ayes on vote.

Bills of Resolution:

Motion to approve the Bills of Resolution with addendum for August omitting C.T. made by L. Schilling with a second from M. Hura. All ayes on vote.

Motion to approve the Bills of Resolution with addendum including C.T. made by L. Schilling with a second from M Hura. B. Prescott abstained, all other ayes on vote.



ORDINANCE 2010-24: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING EXISTING CHAPTER 151 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2001-49 BY WHICH WAS ENACTED THE PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE “VILLAGE OF MANTUA PERSONNEL HANDBOOK”, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT ORDINANCES AMENDING THAT DOCUMENT, AND ADOPTING THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED “VILLAGE OF MANTUA, PORTAGE COUNTY, OHIO EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK”. 3rd READING. Ben felt that any changes from now on should be run through the committees. We changed from Gates McDonald to CompManagement. Harry said no, it is actually Sheakley and we are in the process of getting the pamphlets. Jenny said we made our payment to CompManagement. Motion to approve the amendment made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve as amended made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. The book will come from Michele and will go into effect 30 days after tonight. Michele said she would email everyone.

RESOLUTION 2010-35: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 2010-17 AND RESOLUTION 2010-23 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING THE MONIES WHICH WERE DESIGNATED FOR PUMP REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT IN THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IN THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote.

RESOLUTION 2010-36: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE AMOUNTS AND RATES AS DETERMINED BY THE BUDGET COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZING THE NECESSARY TAX LEVIES AND CERTIFYING THEM TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote.

RESOLUTION 2010-37: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA TO EXECUTE THE “FIRST AMENDMENT TO MANTUA-PORTAGE COUNTY WASTEWATER FLOW AGREEMENT”, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from L. Clark. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from L. Clark. Giles asked if this goes back to the first agreement. Michele said this is just an amendment to the original agreement. The County is applying for Federal assistance; one requirement is that they have some collateral coming in for the term of the loan. All ayes on vote.

New or Other Business: None.

Committee Reports: Police Chief, Harry Buchert reported the next Safety meeting is August 26 at 6:30 a.m. Linda Schilling will not be able to attend. School begins on August 31. Their department is currently working on a schedule for the Potato Festival.

Village Administrator, Ed Trego, reported the work they were doing on Main Street today was to try to locate a water leak. They went about it a little differently. It is only the third time in 27 years this has happened where we could not find the leak.

The Northeast Quadrant project they are looking at moving forward replacing some valves and adjusting others. He needs to get with Jenny to see what we have in the water fund. Linda Schilling asked Ed how the pump was coming. Ed said it has not come in yet; the target was the third week of August.

Brian Rogers with C.T. Consultants had nothing new to add to their report.

Shade Tree: Linda Clark reported that they will be measuring trees in the tree lawns but decided because of the heat to wait until the end of September when it cools down. They are going to start meeting "as needed" at 6:30 p.m. Notice will be given.

Service: Linda Schilling reported the benches that the Potato Festival had refurbished have been given to Ed. It would be good if they could get them up as soon as possible.

Parks: Marty had nothing to report.

Planning: Mayor Hawkins had nothing to report but they are working on some items.

Finance: Ben had nothing to report.

BZA: Roger had nothing to report.

Safety: Giles reported the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department is considering changing the way they finance themselves; it is called soft billing. Giles explained the way it works. It would help keep levies off the ballot and not change anything for the residents. Harry asked if it is direct billing to the insurance company. Giles said yes. Linda Clark asked what if someone is unemployed and does not have hospitalization to bill. Giles said they go at no charge; they do not bill residents. The Fire Department will have to explain this very specifically to the public. Renewal levies will still happen, just not increases.

Public: Tracy Leva said that last week she was flooded. It comes off High Street to Elm to Franklin and into her basement. She lives on the top of Prospect Street. Mayor Hawkins has been out to look at the situation on her streets but was not aware that she was being flooded. She lives right behind Mike McCauley, who has a lot of equipment on his property and has made his back yard a parking lot. Michele Stuck asked Tracy if her flooding increased since he made improvements to his property. Tracy said yes. Michele said it may not all be the Village’s responsibility then. The Mayor said she had brought before Planning Commission a few weeks ago language for a driveway ordinance.

At that meeting, they happened to have their insurance liability provider present and were advised that legally the Village cannot do that. Tracy said the water is not going into the storm sewer drains. Donna will give Tracy our Zoning Inspectors number to contact.

Aaron Snopek addressed Council to discuss an idea that was first brought up at Planning in July after their regular business. We have tremendous resources in our Village that are under utilized. We know we do not have a lot of money and are looking at ways to promote Mantua, to stimulate interest. We formed an “ad hoc” committee and have met twice. One idea was having a “Pumpkin Roll” in conjunction with and just after trick or treat. He was “elected” to come before Council. This would be on a small scale and family oriented.

Another idea they had for a time when nothing else is going on is a hike/bike/kayak day to bring attention to our great assets with the river and trails. Linda Clark asked what street the pumpkin roll would be conducted. Aaron said W. Prospect Street to Main. The pumpkin festival would be on E. Prospect. Harry said we would move trick or treat to October 30, a Saturday; we already have extra security. Mayor Hawkins said the pumpkin roll would not start until ˝ hour after trick or treat. Aaron felt the only costs associated with it would be liability insurance, service and safety costs. Donna said any revenue collected above their costs would roll over into the fund for next event.

Motion to go ahead with the “Pumpkin Roll” on October 30, 2010 in conjunction with Trick or Treat made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote.

Motion to enter into executive session at 8:30 p.m. for imminent litigation and personnel employment made by B. Prescott with a second from L. Schilling. All ayes on vote.

Motion to reconvene into regular session at 9:13 p.m. made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote.

Michele Stuck asked at this time for a motion to authorize the Solicitor to dismiss the quasi-criminal charges that are currently pending against Butch E. Schultz.

Motion to authorize the Solicitor to dismiss the quasi-criminal charges against Butch E. Schultz made by L Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote.

Mayor Donna Hawkins stated at this time, members of Council, it is her intention to discharge Mr. Trego from his position as Village Administrator. She prepared a letter reflecting this decision, which they have all reviewed. Mayor Hawkins would like to ask for a motion from Council to approve this action and that a vote be taken to indicate whether or not this Council consents to Mr. Trego’s removal. Motion to approve the Mayor’s action to discharge Mr. Trego as Village Administrator made by B. Prescott with a second from L. Schilling. All ayes on vote.

Donna told Ed that she was sorry this day has come and said there are police officers waiting to escort him to the Village garage to pick up his belongings and escort him home in order to pick up the truck and bring it back to the garage. The Mayor asked that Ed relinquish his keys, his passwords, anything at all that pertains to the Village of Mantua. Donna thanked Ed for his service to the community.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. made by B. Prescott with a second from L. Schilling. All ayes on vote.

Mayor Donna Hawkins

Clerk-Treasurer Jenny August